If you are filing your income tax return on your own, the process can be somewhat complicated, especially if you have many variables that make you a unique case. Many people feel that having a professional CPA assisting them with their taxes is much simpler, even compared to computer software. With this method, deductions and credits will not be overlooked.
A study completed by the U.S. Government’s General Accounting Office found that 77 percent of taxpayers notice benefits from hiring professionals.
When you come to TaxCPA1 to complete your tax return, it will be checked multiple times by our computer software. This is done to identify any red flags the IRS could be looking for. We also:
TaxCPA1 also helps small businesses with bookkeeping. These includes preparing your books, a full Schedule C, and even completing your personal income tax return. If you feel like your books are a mess this year, we will provide you with a system that will properly set everything up efficiently for next year.
If you are looking for help during the next income tax season, TaxCPA1 can provide quality service that will save you from stress and potential mistakes. Contact us today to talk to one of our financial experts.